PhD studentships (to begin in October 2025 or any date thereafter, duration: 4 years)

If you are interested in a PhD topic in either health and machine learning (any topic we can find data for), time series forecasting or natural language processing, please get in touch. Please have a look at our current publications and do not hesitate to reach out via email ( for more information. If you are successful in your application, you will be based at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL). UCL is one of the top universities in the world and its AI centre one of the best places for this kind of research training in the UK.

Prior to applying formally, please send an email with:

  • a CV (2 pages max), and
  • optionally a research statement (6 pages max, excluding references) with a lay summary (abstract) of your proposed research, a background review of related work in this area, the core research proposal and how it fits within the current and past research landscape, and a description of what you would like to achieve (and how) in the first 6-12 months of your PhD. Please use this LaTeX template for your research statement.

Please note that although you can definitely contact me without sending a proposal in the first instance, the development of a proposal will be an essential and very crucial part of your application process.

It will be beneficial to begin this process as early as possible in the academic year, e.g. October of year x-1, if you want to start a PhD in September of year x. Detailed instructions for formally applying are available here (general PhD in Computer Science call) and here (UCL research excellence scholarship, deadline: January 2025, positions are competitive, but fully funded). Please note that applications unless otherwise stated are formally being reviewed twice in the academic year with soft submission deadlines in mid-January and mid-April, and that all PhD candidates will need to go through an interview process. For exceptional cases we might be able to expedite the process outside of these predetermined dates.

Research fellow (postdoc) positions

Currently, no postdoc positions are available.